5 items, ordered by date. Show on timeline
This refers to a Statement of Best Practice published by the Institutional Shareholders' Committee and the ABI. It sets out key points, while asking the Committee to consider response to the ABI discussion document.
2. Correspondence relating to CBI Steering Group on Corporate Governance meeting on 25 June 1991.
Comprises letter, agenda, list of corporate governance steering group members and Sir Adrian's handwritten notes for his report.
Comments in detail on sections of the draft report, approving the self regulation approach, questioning statements of compliance requirement, commenting on the role of non-executive directors, remuneration, auditing and shareholders' role.
Includes summary of CBI response (13 points) and the full response under headings such as statement of compliance, review of code, board structures, separation of roles, non-executive directors, directors' remuneration, auditing and going concern. Also includes the draft response before approval by the CBI Council.
The paper sets out the many recent reforms in financial reporting and auditing practices. It supports the Cadbury proposals but calls for more coordination and consistency between the various bodies with a role in financial reporting and auditing.