39 items, ordered by date. Displaying page 1 of 2. Show on timeline Items per page: 25 | All
1. Draft, the purpose of the company - the next steps.
Proposal for a seminar of 20 people with suggested names to discuss the philosophy design and purpose of the company. See also CAD-01035.
Letter encouraging the recipient to comply completely with the new public discussion document: Corporate practices and conduct.
This refers to a Statement of Best Practice published by the Institutional Shareholders' Committee and the ABI. It sets out key points, while asking the Committee to consider response to the ABI discussion document.
4. Letter, dated 18 June 1991, from Mark Goyder
Correspondence advising of progress since seminar of The purpose of the company, 14 March 1991 (see CAD-01027)
Covers the middle ground.
Contains papers, voting by institutional Shareholders, Communication of Business Plans & Insider Dealing
7. Correspondence with and papers from CBI, 10 July 1991, including minutes of meeting
Includes the CBI response to the ABI discussion paper on the responsibilities of institutional shareholders and minutes of meeting held on 25 June 1991.
Also contains background to the Committee. Suggests the ToR should focus on financial aspects.
9. Letter, dated 26 July 1991, to M Sandland, Norwich Union Fund Management
Letter sets out vision for presentation to the Committee about institutional shareholders, a discussion of the ABI paper on the Responsibilities of institutional shareholders.
The letter is a response to a request to give evidence. Areas for discussion: responsibilities of shareholders, independence of auditors, influence of analysts, information to be given in reports.The letter has a siginifcant number of handwritten comments in Sir Adrian's hand.
11. Letter, dated 15 August 1991, from Smith & Williamson.
Letter suggests approaching M & G to learn about their approach as an institutional investor.
Comments on remuneration, directors' responsibilities and non-executive directors access to independent advice. Includes extract from a biographical sources and Sir Adrian's handwritten notes.
Report of meeting focuses on auditing.
Record focuses on role of accounting standards and auditors.
Confidential paper, with very limited circulation, comments on institutional investors and non-executive directors, remuneration and auditors.
16. Letter from Andrew H Simon, Evode Group plc, 3 October 1991
Letter concentrates on various committees within a company and a responsible attitude being adopted by institutional shareholders.
17. Letter, 17 October 1991, from Mercury Asset Management
Letter comments on companies' performance and ineffective boards.
AC Hugh Smith agreed to co-opting Sir Christopher Hogg on to the Committee. Also includes handwritten notes in preparation for or taken at the meeting with Chris Hogg.
19. Correspondence and submission for the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, November 1991.
Submission to the Committee about shareholder relations, especially from viewpoint of institutional shareholder. Includes a handwritten note from Nigel peace wondering about asking Andrew Hugh Smoth for clarification.
20. Correspondence, dated December 1991, between Terry Arthur and the Committee.
Article concerns the role of the institutional investor.
21. Letter, dated 16 December 1991, from Brian Houlden, Warwick Busines School
Letter concentrates on the role and behaviour of institutional shareholders, summarises UK investment in R& D, capital investment and takeovers with the funds now coming from the banks.
Davies, Arnold, Cooper proposes insurance for non-executive directors. Transparency International asks for support for its cause. Wilton proposes greater involvement of institutional shareholders.
23. Letter from Dermot de Trafford, Institute of Directors, 7 January 1992.
Expresses concerns about the misuse of information.
Covers some aspects of institutional investors and also their relations with non-executive directors in two articles.
25. A paper, dated 12 March 1992, giving CBI preliminary evidence to the Committee.
The paper covers the role and duties of directors, the responsibilities of institutional shareholders, auditors responsibilities and liabilities, accounting standards and pension fund management issues.