65 items, ordered by date. Displaying page 1 of 3. Show on timeline Items per page: 25 | 50 | All
1. Committee meeting, handwritten notes, undated.
Concentrates on the form of the report to be produced by the Committee. Includes notes headed Mike Sandland, ISC and Brandon Gough, Coopers & Lybrand.
2. Letters from three recipients of the [Cadbury] report.
Acknowledgement letters from Scottish Hydro-Electric, TSB Group and BET.
Letter suggests including a public relations representative on the Committee.
Comprises notes on terms of reference for the Committee and what the Committee should actually consider.
5. Correspondence relating to CBI Steering Group on Corporate Governance meeting on 25 June 1991.
Comprises letter, agenda, list of corporate governance steering group members and Sir Adrian's handwritten notes for his report.
6. Letter, dated 3 July 1991, from AC Hugh Smith, Chairman of London Stock Exchange
Letter expresses surprise that no Chief Operating Officer or Chairman of a industrial company is a member of the Committee.
7. Letter, dated 4 July 1991, from Hugh Collum, SmithKline Beecham about meeting dates
Correspondence advising Sir Adrian Cadbury of suitable and unsuitable meeting dates. Handwritten note by Nigel Peace - alternative dates being sought.
Also contains background to the Committee. Suggests the ToR should focus on financial aspects.
9. Letter, dated 17 July 1991, from Sir Ron Dearing, Financial Reporting Council
Letter advises Sir Adrian Cadbury of meeting where a wider remit was suggested and successfully argued against.
10. Letter, dated 18 July 1991, from JP Charkham, Bank of England.
Reports a recommendation to add another industrialist to the Committee.
Considers the inclusion of an additional member of the Committee at Chief Executive or Chairman level.
12. Letter, dated 19 August 1991, from Andrew Likierman, London Business School
Letter addressed to Nigel Peace includes comments by chapter on the structure of the report, with handwritten side annotations and a note by Nigel Peace.
13. Letter, dated 23 August 1991, from Sir Ron Dearing
Suggests possible representatives on the Committee.
14. Fax letter from Mrs SE Brown, DTI, 30 August 1991.
Fax contains comments on a proposed structure for the final output and short comments on papers for the next meeting
15. Letter, dated 5 September 1991, from JP Charkham, Bank of England
Letter comments draft work programme and report, additonally commenting favourably on training programme for directors and legislation.
16. Letter from Ian Hay Davison, dated 10 September 1991, should have speech to ICAS attached
Letter should be accompanied by transcript of speech to ICAS - may be elsewhere.
17. Letter from Mrs SE Brown, DTI, 1 October 1991
Administrative letter.
Sets the background to interest by the Institute.
Highlights issues for a successor body, namely, research into compliance, research funding and recommended amendments to the Companies Act. Sarah Brown's letter deals with directors' service contracts, fees paid to audit firms for non-audit work, protection for auditors reporting fraud.
20. Handwritten [notes for] CBI President's reception, 12 November 1991
Outlining the Committee's remit and work.
21. Letter, dated 13 December 1991, to Andrew Hugh Smith
Letter seeks to clarify the focus for the Committee. Letter also sent to Sir Ron Dearing and Mike Lickiss.
22. Letter, dated 14 January 1992, to MG Lickiss
Letter is responding to MG Lickiss' comments on his draft [Standards of financial reporting and auditing] and clarification of focus of the Committee.
23. Letter from Richard C Breeden, US Securities and Exchange Commission, 27 April 1992.
Sir Adrian Cadbury had advised RC Breeden of forthcoming draft report and offered to send him one. Nigel Peace has added handwritten post-it note saying he will contact Walter Stahr (also of US SEC) to discuss.
The draft report was issued after considering the views of many who were consulted or submitted evidence. The views came from institutes, companies and individuals. The Committee also considered relevant published documents. The draft report included the Code of Best Practice.
25. Letter from PJ Butler, KPMG Peat Marwick, 10 July 1992.
Letter supports Sir Adrian remaining as figurehead to deal with matters arising in following two years.